Getting a little better

So I’ve finally gotten off my duff this week and found time for both some bike time and some hand weight time. Doc is going to increase Ozempic to 1mg (should be here today) and my blood sugars are stabilizing. I know that by doubling the dose, I’m going to have another round of complete… Continue reading Getting a little better


This is a draft post from August 22 2022 – never published it for some reason. Honestly, I am at a loss. I’m used to a typical day looking like this:– Get up– Feed cats and let them out– Make coffee– Sit and review overnight stuff on phone while waiting on coffee– Drink coffee– Find… Continue reading Rhythm

Letting go

So yesterday, I let go, at least for now, of both my identity as a business owner/woman and of a friendship of nearly 7 years. Why? Lots of reasons: Both were draining me of my happiness most of the time. Both were occupying my thoughts most of the time. Both were causing me unreasonable distress… Continue reading Letting go

Weird Week

So I worked on Monday and got my nails done.Tuesday, I had an appointment with the accountant and then a lashes appointment.Wednesday I volunteered at the cat shelter. I spent a lot of time trying to track down hotels in Paris and Rome. I had my annual physical.Thursday, I did laundry and some work around… Continue reading Weird Week