
So much going on – none of it work. I may have done all of an hour of work since August 8 – my last real working day. I have so many things in progress:

  • Planning a trip to London, Paris and Rome Oct 2-19
  • Figuring out what to carry and what to leave behind for that
  • Practicing French
  • Starting a crafting group (2 meetings held)
  • Meeting new people (successful)
  • Continuing the great purge as best I can – this one is much harder since I’ve had to disassemble my 1500 sq. ft. office space and either give away the contents or bring it all here
  • Failing at finding a cadence for gym time
  • Getting used to missing people who have been in my life every day for years now
  • Going gray – and making it happen much faster by letting the new colorist strip my bangs and see if a toner will speed up this really dramatic stark contrast
  • Taking up dot mandalas – think I will actually start that today since the tools came
  • Getting a frigging jury duty summons with only 2 weeks notice – and no way to reach anyone to say – hey, that’s not exactly fair
  • Contemplating passive income / side gigs so I can continue to have my own cash reserves (stupid for someone with my net worth, but it will help keep the peace)
  • Reading – I need a widget on the page to keep up with what I’ve read so far
  • New tattoo “Enough” – as in I am enough, you are enough, that’s enough, enough is enough, smart enough, confused enough, stupid enough – you get the idea. The all-purpose word.
  • There’s more but that’s enough for right now. 😉