Brief update

2023 has been the year of transition, and that is ongoing. I am still not adjusted to retirement and look back on the year with only a few things that truly stand out: I look and feel nothing like the woman who said goodbye to 2022. I am s l o w l y working… Continue reading Brief update

A little lost

I’ve looked back over a couple of posts at the end of 2022 and have no memory of making them. Apparently, I’ve not posted about Europe which is a mistake because I’m just going to forget more and more details. My days still lack structure. They are filled with task lists which are largely disorganized… Continue reading A little lost


So much going on – none of it work. I may have done all of an hour of work since August 8 – my last real working day. I have so many things in progress: Planning a trip to London, Paris and Rome Oct 2-19 Figuring out what to carry and what to leave behind… Continue reading Mid-September


I formally retired on 8/8/22. Ok, I remain on a “by approval only” consultancy status for the next 3-6 months. I’ll receive my last 3 months salary along with my bonus some time before June 30 2023. It has only been during the past 2-3 weeks that I’ve felt any anxiety about this decision at… Continue reading Retirement

Lost 9 months

So let’s bullet point the changes: August and September stayed steady. Then alcohol overtook a friend and literally derailed his life, mine, and more. It led to him burning down his life (so to speak) at the end of 2021 (violence, car wreck, job loss, DUI, lies, rehab, relapse, more). His decisions have impacted me… Continue reading Lost 9 months

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